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Kucinich (the much despised) hits the cover off the ball

Kucinich hits the cover off the ball

(MG) The following was released on the Kucinich 2008 web site. If I were ever to be elected POTUS, I'd get a new cabinet post, Secretary of Peace, and I'd annoint Representative Kucinich to it.

(MG) I know, Respresentative Kucinich will never be considered a viable candidate, he can't raise enough money (apparently the office of POTUS is one which must be bought, as I'm sure the founding fathers envisioned ... well, actually, they envisioned the office going to "one of their own") and what's worse, he was SO marginalized in campaign 2004 that even John Pilger, a war correspondent and documentary film maker, didn't seem to know that Kucinich was a Democratic candidate for President.

(MG) But harkening back to those halycon days leading up to the 2004 elections, only Kucinich and the Reverend Al Sharpton had the integrity or courage (or both) to oppose the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And this was at a time when things looked like, virtually "mission accomplished"
Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said Sunday he would definitely participate in a September debate sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus and scheduled to be broadcast on the Fox Television Network. Kucinich said for Sens. Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama to skip the debate simply because it was to be broadcast on Fox was a snub of the Congressional Black Caucus.
"This is particularly troublesome because the concerns of African Americans should take precedent over what network is broadcasting the debate," Kucinich said, "There are matters relating to employment, health care, education, jobs, rebuilding our cities, environment and civil rights that all presidential candidates have an obligation to address and debate. Those candidates planning to skip this debate clearly are trying to avoid a forum where there will be hard-hitting questions from people who may not agree with them. But taking questions from all sides is part of politics, and part of being President. I'm running to be President for all people in this country."
"America needs a President with the ability and willingness to unite people of diverse political views," Kucinich said, "Let us never forget that the symbol of our country, the American eagle, needs two wings to fly--a left wing and a right wing. I'm prepared to reach out to all Americans. We all deserve to be heard. and we all deserve to be represented."
"Certainly many Fox viewers are not part of the traditional Democratic base," Kucinich said, "but they have a right to hear from the Democratic candidates and we as candidates have an obligation to reach out to them. Families who view Fox News have lost loved ones in Iraq, lost their jobs to NAFTA, and lost their homes to medical bills, just as have the viewers of other networks."
Kucinich said the refusal of the three senators to participate in the debate raises questions about whether or not they really have the ability to be President.
"First Sens. Clinton and Edwards were tricked by George Bush into voting for the war. ... (MG) I'd say their war votes were politically calculated ... there were plenty of voices contradicting the lies told by the cheney administration to raise the war-gasmic fevers of the gAp (great American public) ...Then they and Sen. Obama voted most of the time to support funding the war. All three have said all options are on the table with Iran, meaning they are ready to go to war against Iran. This raises questions about their judgment, about who they are they, who they represent? African-Americans -- and Fox viewers -- have a right to know."
"I know some people object to Fox News," Kucinich said, "and they take issue with Fox coverage, and the way Fox covers the news. I've taken issue with Fox on many occasions, but I don't hesitate to be questioned by Fox or any of its affiliates. I've also taken issue with the New York Times -- which, after all, was largely responsible for selling the Bush war plans to the American people. ... (MG) the NYT was responsible as well as for the press corps "War on Gore" which catapulted the cheney sock-puppet to the office of POTUS in 2000 .... the truth hurts, but until one faces it, running from and turning away from the truth can kill .... But this will be a live debate. The issue here is not what questions Fox broadcasters will ask, but how the candidates for President will answer them. The issue is not what the commentators will say after the debate is over, but what we as candidates say during the debate."
"The questions asked by the Congressional Black Caucus will be just as important, and our answers just as telling, on Fox as on any other network," Kucinich said.
The Ohio congressman, who is an avid baseball fan, also noted that "Fox broadcasts the World Series, too, but is it any less of a World Series because it's on Fox? Ask the fans in St. Louis, or Anaheim, or Boston."
"Lets face it, the race for the presidency is the World Series of politics, and here you have three candidates for President who are admitting that not only can they not hit right-handed pitching, they're even afraid to step up to the plate and take a swing. ... (MG) geez, I really love this metaphor .... Well, I'm one candidate for President who can hit any pitch anyone throws at me. And I'll be taking the field in Detroit this September with the Congressional Black Caucus."
"When the Cleveland Indians get into the World Series, and Fox broadcasts the games, I assure you I'll be there," Kucinich said, "and when Fox broadcasts a debate sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus, I'll be there, too."

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