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MaGoo & the Shroo are driving me f#cking nutzoid

What the hell is it with these two people, married to each other for what will be 62 years come this January 11.  They are always competing for the last f#cking word.  Never seen two people be 100+% in agreement and f#cking ARGUE to the death, for that opportunity to get in the last word.  They were made for each other.  A Perfect Fit.  They deserve each other.

Hell, Mary Jo Hart Brust told me to tell them how lucky they are to still have each other.  And she should know, since she no longer has the love of her life, gone way too young after merely 36 years of marriage.  AND I TOLD THEM.  TO THEIR FACES.  INDIVIDUALLY & COLLECTIVELY.

Here's what it takes for dad to "get it."  Mom is in the emergency room and the hospital is asking about her wishes in the event that she can only be kept alive in a vegetative state. "I bawled like a baby. I remembered the first time I ever saw her.  I knew she was the one I had to marry."

This, then, is what it f#cking takes.  A near death experience.

And while MaGoo is frequently a solipsitic jerk, I HAVE FINALLY FIGURED OUT THAT HE IS NOT THE ONLY PART OF THE JERK EQUATION.  She KNOWS how to jerk his chain, and she will do it with impunity, in public, with witnesses, where he has to maintain the facade.

Good Lord have Mercy.  Let me NEVAH treat a living creature as abusively as those two treat each other.


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